Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Steamy affair with blood and gore!!!!

Many people have very romantic notions regarding evening and night. Candle light dinners, ball room dances, suave discotheques and what not!!! Yet a supposedly marginalized  section of society who also think that they happen to be the children of lesser gods have a very different experience which is as scandalous as it can get!!!
It is the steamy experience of sauna that many would love to pay for. But the moment it is free of cost, its brand value gets diluted!!! And we the children of lesser gods are left to deal with this diluted brand and the eternal angels of action, dance, drama and music. Ladies and gentlemen, I give to you the mosquitoes!!!
Ultimate success of evolutionary cheekiness has ensured that they manage to stick around and play their part in our "steamy affairs". Skillfully managing to spot one area of vulnerability,  they for sure bring action in our otherwise lazy and neglected lives. Extra points for treating us like free vending machines and soothing the heart by reducing its workload (lesser the blood, lesser the workload).
Notwithstanding the benevolence of such a noble creature, man has come up with umpteen concoctions so that we might remain lazy and comforted. Yet, the concoctions fail to dampen the spirit of the noble mosquitoes who have inspired scores of B grade Hindi films!!!
But the whole scenario becomes dangerous and personal when people decide to take up matters actually in their hands. Self hurting splats and swats try to master the indomitable angels. And success means.....a scene right from some Tarantino movie!!!! All blood and gore with the creature's existence dissolved in it!!! Many wished they had not done it for the sake of hygiene!!! Yet as a second mosquito whizzes past the ear, it is time for action again!!!! That steamy affair with blood and gore!!! SWATTTTT!!!!!

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