Sunday, February 16, 2014

Happiness and a blank wall!!!

The brain survives on activity (Science would love to disagree!!). And yet, the lack of it is quite common. As in my case, sitting in my room and virtually (is it actually??!!) doing nothing I suddenly figured out that for the last two three days my activities can be best described as hibernation. So to start with I decided to plunge myself here but I guess I was struggling with initial phases of writer's block....Oh My God!!!! Not me....please please please!!!
And it is then then that I decided to take things into my hand (a variety of things!!). Started off with a walk around the campus with my eyes wide open (I hope you understand my indication). Tea at the cafe was never more warm, grass on the playground was never more green and my room on the ground floor was never more cosy ( yeah I was back in no time)!!!
Somehow my room seems to attract me back and my bed seems to seduce me in and I seem to be fighting a loosing battle (I was already inside my blanket by this time!!). For me it was a hopeless situation of deep humiliation. Neck deep in blanket, with the cold numbness of my mind, it seemed that the battle is almost over. All the tea, all the greens and all the books within my reach (equal to zero, the table seemed miles away!!) could not revive me and the end was near!!!
Suddenly of all the things and all the motivations on this good great green and blue planet, the room's wall became an object of all my attention!!

Apart from a few Kung Fu kicks from my side after watching a martial arts laden film and the lonely lizard on it, no one ever finds it (I hope no one takes offence at my this form of address) interesting. But for me the wall became "The Wall" for that instant. Strangely it gave all the neurons enough activity to bring me forth.
And here I am, writing happily and finishing off quickly as I believe that the room is ready again to assault my activity. And this is a battle that I don't wish to fight again, so RUN!!!!!

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